Below: view of where we came from in the beginning.
There are shops, ice cream parlors and a bakery. All of these are supposedly part of the original hotel. The floors were wooden and creeked with every step. They were also very much warped. I got a little dizzy walking because I felt like I was riding a wave.
See the round glow just under the left window? This is orb #1, the largest of the three. Then on the bottom right window, you can see a small orb#2 on the lower right side. Orb #3 is a little harder to see because it blends in with the wall. If you are still zoomed in from looking at the window, the third orb is to the right of that, if you take your mouse and place it on the orb on the window and follow it directly to the right you should see it there.
Don't worry if you can't see them yet, when I get time I will post the close up shots with arrows pointing right to them.
Well, that's it for post is getting too long (for me). I will post more tomorrow and hope to have the close ups ready by then. It was definately an experience I will remember.
*shudder* Did you do this tour for kicks? :D I once visited a haunted castle in Scotland (didn't know it was haunted until I was actually in it) and I tripped in some doorway where there was obviously no obstruction on the floor, and the nice British old lady touring us said so matter-of-factly "Oh yes, that would be the little boy who sits by the bench in that doorway and just trips whomever passes through it by sticking his leg out; doesn't happen all the time but it seems it happened to you" Ahem. Thank you but no thanks. To this very day, I don't like looking at the photos I took of the castle and I doubt I'll be making any LOs with them. LOL!!!
Well written article.
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